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Age Friendly Banking

Convened representatives from local financial institutions, economic justice organizations, and senior advocates to begin a discussion on how local banks can better address the needs of their elderly customers. 

Financial Justice

Conducted trainings which assisted seniors in understanding basic banking, predatory lending, insurance redlining, payday lending, identity theft, credit reports and repair and discriminating financial services at each of its seventeen (17) local community councils.  These seminars promoted understanding of how the financial services system is structured and its implications for seniors.

Foreclosure Prevention Awareness

Partnered with a consortium of 8 other organizations to inform, educate and counsel seniors and other homeowners in Brooklyn to prevent foreclosures.


We continue to collaborate with the Brooklyn Borough President's Advisory Committee for Disabled (ACODI) where we have worked to improve quality serve and increased access to Access-A-Ride.

Elder Fraud & Abuse

We held forums throughout the borough (including bilingual forums in Russian, Polish, and Spanish) on how Medicare and Financial Fraud Prevention

Senior Volunteers Recognition

This is an annual event where Brooklyn older adults are nominated and selected to receive citations from their public officials for their outstanding work as volunteers in the community.

Public Policy; City, State & Federal Issues

Our membership is informed and participates in advocacy efforts to protect safety net programs that promote economic security such as:  Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, Senior Services which keep seniors living in the community with dignity.

In addition to those general topics, our membership was involved in the following efforts:

  • Passing the NYS Observation Status Law (Chapter 341)

  • NYS’s New Debt Collection Rules

  • Base-Lining of Senior Center Funds in the NYC Budget

  • NYS Safe Patient Handling Bill

  • Preservation of Brooklyn Hospitals

  • Preservation of Brooklyn Bus Transit Lines  

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